Updated vignette to print a select few plots rather than all the output plots
Added a text document to the inst/script/ directory with specific code and instructions for generating the sample pileup files used in the examples, vignette and README
Fixed bug with verbose argument where verbose=FALSE still printed messages to the console
Updated use of ‘if(verbose == TRUE)’ to ‘if(verbose)’
Changes in 0.99.2
Updated vignette and README with BiocManager installation instructions
Moved Acknowledgements, Funding, and SessionInfo() to ‘supplemental information’ section in vignette
Changed TOC_depth from 2 to 3 in vignette
Updated formatting of NEWS file
Grouped related functions in .R files for easier troubleshooting
Add verbose = TRUE/FALSE argument to allow users to choose whether to print progress
Added co-authors to DESCRIPTION file
Added additional logic for input file validation
Added better descriptions of input file requirements in the main function .man pages
Added rendered summary histogram plot to output list