Search for gene annotations on classified contigs/chunks
Search contigs classified with ProActive for gene-annotations that match a provided key-word(s). Outputs read coverage plots for contigs/chunks with matching annotations.
inGapOrElev = FALSE,
bpRange = 0,
verbose = TRUE
- ProActiveResults
The output from `ProActive()`.
- pileup
A .txt file containing mapped sequencing read coverages averaged over 100 bp windows/bins.
- gffTSV
A .gff file (TSV) containing gene predictions associated with the .fasta file used to generate the pileup.
- geneOrProduct
"gene" or "product". Search for keyWords associated with genes or gene products.
- keyWords
The keyWord(s) to search for. Case independent. Searches will return the string that contains the matching keyWord. KeyWord(s) must be in quotes, comma-separated, and surrounded by c() i.e( c("antibiotic", "resistance", "drug") )
- inGapOrElev
TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, only search for gene-annotations in the gap/elevation region of the pattern-match. Default is FALSE (i.e search the entire contig/chunk for the gene annotation key-words)
- bpRange
If `inGapOrElev` = TRUE, the user may specify the region (in base pairs) that should be searched to the left and right of the gap/elevation region. Default is 0.
- elevFilter
Optional, only plot results with pattern-matches that achieved an elevation ratio (max/min) greater than the specified values. Default is no filter.
- saveFilesTo
Optional, Provide a path to the directory you wish to save output to. A folder will be made within the provided directory to store results.
- verbose
TRUE or FALSE. Print progress messages to console. Default is TRUE.
geneAnnotMatches <- geneAnnotationSearch(sampleMetagenomeResults, sampleMetagenomePileup,
sampleMetagenomegffTSV, geneOrProduct="product",
keyWords=c("toxin", "drug", "resistance", "phage"))
#> Cleaning gff file...
#> Cleaning pileup file...
#> Searching for matching annotations...
#> 2 contigs/chunks have gene annotations that match one or more of the provided keyWords